Pictures of the house and garden from 2022. As the pictures speak for themselves, I have added only short descriptions. If you click on the pictures, they will be enlarged.
The first spring flowers sprout, Winter 2021/2022.Sourdough, the basis for our homemade bread rolls, Winter 2021/2022.Storm Malik, January 2022.Bumblebees love crocuses, Spring 2022.Climate Action, Spring 2022.The guest kitchen under installed, Spring 2022.Insect hotel, Spring 2022.Garden decoration made from recycled materials, Spring 2022.Tadpoles in the garden pond, Spring 2022.Harvest time, Summer 2022.Butterfly bush, Summer 2022.Cosmea as an insect magnet, Summer 2022.Gall midge cocoon on a beech leaf, Summer 2022.Sunflower loved by bumblebees, Sommer 2022.Chickens enjoying the garden bed, Summer 2022.Wood ants in the garden, Summer 2022.Pretty gladioli by the shop, Summer 2022.A dragonfly resting, Summer 2022.Frogs on water lilies in the garden pond, Summer 2022.Chickens looking for insects and seeds in the garden, Summer 2022.New in the shop – peach jam, Summer 2022.The fallen apple tree with support, Autumn 2022.The tadpoles have developed into young frogs, Autumn 2022.Beautiful sunset, Autumn 2022.New in the shop – grape jam, Autumn 2022.Ground fog at the forest area south of Krarup, Autumn 2022.Ground fog at the forest area south of Krarup, Autumn 2022.Beautiful sunset near Krarup Oasen, Autumn 2022.New in the shop – rosehip jam, Autumn 2022.Carved Halloween pumpkin, Autumn 2022.Halloween pumpkin in the dark, Autumn 2022.Kneipp cure in the garden, Winter 2022/2023.Running tour in the forest area south of Krarup, Winter 2022/2023.Bed & Breakfast dressed in white, Winter 2022/2023.Delicious roasted vegetables, Winter 2022/2023.Ice candles, Winter 2022/2023.Impressive sunset colours, Winter 2022/2023.New in the shop – Paradise apple jelly, Winter 2022/2023.Ice skulpture in the garden pond, Winter 2022/2023.Frost-covered spider webs, Winter 2022/2023.Our Bed & Breakfast has been decorated for Christmas, Winter 2022/2023.