Enjoy the old school picture collection. First are pictures of the building, followed by pictures of the students, each in chronological order. If you click on the pictures, they will be enlarged. Enjoy!
Apologies for the lack of information on some of the pictures. However you can help us complete the story of the old school. Do you have further information, perhaps more pictures or even your own stories of the old school? Then don’t hesitate to contact us by email. We would love to hear from you!
Krarup School with teacher H. C. Frydendahl 1921, H.C. Frydendahl.Krarup School 1921 1/9, before rebuilding, H.C. Frydendahl.Krarup School, side building, Sept 1924, H.C. Frydendahl.Krarup church and school seen from west 29/12 1924, H.C. Frydendahl.Krarup School, playground 1928, H.C. Frydendahl.Krarup School 1928, excavating for new house by the playground, H.C. Frydendahl.Krarup School, view towards the garden 1928 8/9, H.C. Frydendahl.Krarup School, winter 1923, H.C. Frydendahl.View from Krarup School, winter 1923, H.C. Frydendahl.Krarup School, 1929, playing “jydepotte”, H.C. Frydendahl.Krarup Skole 1929 28/9, eastern house being re-thatched, H.C. Frydendahl.Krarup School, teacher’s dining room 1930, H.C. Frydendahl.Krarup School, teacher’s living room1930, H.C. Frydendahl.Krarup School, teacher’s living room1930, H.C. Frydendahl. Krarup School, teachers’ living room/office 1930, H.C. Frydendahl.Krarup School 1930, building the extension, H.C. Frydendahl.Krarup School after building the extension 1930, H.C. Frydendahl. Krarup Old School 1900 – 1930, photograph of drawing (unknown artist and photographer).Krarup School’s widow’s cottage 1937 17/10, pulled down in the 1940s or in 1970, H.C. Frydendahl.Krarup School, 1938 24/12, H.C. Frydendahl.Painting by Marius Mikkelsen 1939Scenes from Krarup: the church, the dairy and the school. Postcard from the 1940s. The postcard was written in 1944. H. Schmidt. Krarup School, school comedy 1943, “Tolv med posten”, H.C. Frydendahl.Krarup old school, the school seen from the south, 1945 – 1955, Stjernefoto.Krarup old school 1950 – 1960, photo taken from Bøjdenvej towards northwest, Stjernefoto.Drawing by Frode Lund, Old Krarup School 1960, The drawing shows the extension to the school.Drawing by Frode Lund, Old School 1963, view from southeast.Drawing by Frode Lund, Old School 1963, view from northwest. Drawing by Frode Lund, Old School 1963, west wingDrawing by Frode Lund 1963, the tool shed of the assembly house with the boys’ toilet by the playground.Etching by Axel Holm, year unknown.Krarup School’s garden (further information missing).Historical Parish Map. 1809-1918. Top and bottom row of parish priests and teachers. Krarup church and school and Snarup pre-school.Krarup School, pupil picture 1896/1898, photographer unknown.Krarup School, ca. 1900, pupils and teachers, photographer unknown.Krarup School c. 1908/09, pupils with teacher Dahl (left) and teacher Pedersen (right), photographer unknown.Krarup School 1930, pupils in class, H.C. Frydendahl.Krarup School, pupil photo 1936, K. Dall Schmith, Aarup.Krarup School, pupil photo 1938, K. Dall Schmith, Aarup.Krarup School, 1939/40, pupils and Japanese man, Kichiro, pupil at Korinth Agricultural School, H.C. Frydendahl.Krarup School, pupil photo 1940. Teacher H.C. Frydendahl, his wife Dagmar (right), teacher J.J. Sørensen and his wife Johanne (left). K. Dall Schmith, Aarup.Krarup School, pupil photo 1942, K. Dall Schmith, Aarup.Krarup School 1947, pupils with teacher H.C. Frydendahl and his wife Dagmar (left), and teacher J.J. Sørensen with his wife Johanne (right), photographer unknown.Krarup Village Hall 1958-63, pupil picture, teacher Hans Rud Madsen (left).