Book your stay at Den Gamle Krarup Skole easily and conveniently through our booking system:
- Select a room in the box.
- Click on the available arrival date and then on the departure date in the calendar.
- Fill in contact details on the form, also please fill in the “Comments” area with any additional information, requests or questions.
- Press the “Send booking request” button. You will then receive an automatic email confirmation from our booking system.
- You will receive a personal email from us within 24 hours to welcome you, to answer your questions/requests and to give you information about payment processing.
*must be filled in
Check-in time: from 15:00. Please let us know when you expect to arrive.
Check-out time: until 11:00.
However, it is possible to make individual arrangements for check-in and check-out times. We are always ready to help you if you have any questions about booking, prices or facilities. Just contact us here.